It’s Not Crazy to Get a Big, Long Mortgage

Anything big and long outside mortgage is good, excellent even. But when it finally involves money, a big, long mortgage is taboo. After all, who would want to pay seemingly endless monthly amortizations? Nevertheless, don’t always throw away the chance to get a big, long mortgage. It might be the right choice for you.

Let us help you determine what’s good about mortgage with large value and lengthy payment period.

Home Valuation

If it’s in your plan to make money off your real estate in the future, don’t make your mortgage suffer by thinking it would affect the house’s value. It wouldn’t. From start to finish, what your mortgage will not influence is the real estate valuation. The house’s value will grow or fall through time, but the equity will earn no interest.


Speaking of equity, you need a higher amount of it. Your mortgage, however, won’t hasten your equity’s increase. Either way, it will increase by 3% per year in the next 20 years. If you do the math, you will be earning a quarter million dollars without exerting any effort.

Cheap Money

Credit cards offer 0% interest for six months. You could use from $100 to a few thousand for a month’s worth of supply. Mortgages are worth in the hundreds of thousands with a very low interest. Furthermore, banks like it when you put your house on escrow if you offer your house on collateral. They can give you an even lower interest rate, and you can always get a reverse mortgage if money becomes tight.

Tax Benefits

The interest you pay in mortgages isn’t purely for profit of the lender. All of your acquired interest will be deductible at your top tax bracket. Wherever you are on the tax bracket, you’ll definitely receive tax benefits because of your mortgage.

These are, among others, the good things from choosing a big, long mortgage plan. We here at Altius Mortgage are dedicated to helping you find the perfect loan to buy your home.

Contact us for more information!